Hair and Beauty Glossary
This is a glossary of terms for hair and beauty to aid the D/deaf. Select the term you are interested in and click on the word video to open it full screen or press the play button on the embedded video clip.
The signs used in these clips are known and used by the learners at Vision West Nottinghamshire College.
They are intended to be used solely as a resource and do not necessarily represent definitive BSL signs.
Special | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | ALL
A |
AlopeciaBaldness. | ||
Arrector Pili Musclehelps keep the body temperature (hair stands on end) | ||
B |
Base ColourA colour product for hair. | ||
BlackA colour. | ||
BlockA dummy head (hair block) used for practising cuts, styles and techniques. | ||
BlondeA colour, a light grayish yellow. | |
BondA link or joining. One item bonds to another. | |
BrownA colour. | ||
BrushAn implement that has 'bristles' firmly set into a handle, used for grooming the hair. | ||
Brush ApplicatorA brush - usually small, for applying products. | |
C |
ChairAn item for sitting on. | |
ClipA device for holding the hair in sections. | |
CombA device used for disentangling hair. Usually flat with pointed teeth on one edge. | |
ConditionerA product that makes hair soft, rebuilds hair, closes down cuticles. | |
CortexA hair layer under cuticle has pigment and bonds. | |
CuticleThe outside layer of hair overlap like tiles on a roof. | |
CuttingThe act of shortening by chopping off the ends. An activity often carried out with scissors. | |
D |
Damaged HairHair that has had something happen to it to cause a defect. | |
DandruffFlaky scalp. | |
DarkDepth of hair colour. | |
Dark HairHair that is not pale coloured. Depth of hair colour. | |
DermisSecond layer of skin. | |
E |
EffleurageA stroking movement. Usually carried out at the start of shampooing. | |
ElasticityStretch of the hair. | |
EpidermisTop layer of the skin. | |
F |
FoilUsed during highlighting sections of hair. | |
Fragilitas Criniumsplit ends due to physical/ chemical damage | |
Friction(A quick movement) An action to encourage blood supply. | |
G |
GelUsed to hold hair in place. Makes hair stiff. | |
GingerA term used to refer to people with red coloured hair. | |
GownA protective garment worn to keep the clients clothes clean. | |
GreyA colour mid way between black and white. | |
H |
Hair BrittleA type of hair. | |
Hair ConditionHow the hair is. | |
Hair ConditionerA product for conditioning the hair, makes the hair soft, rebuilds the hair and closes down the cuticle. | |
Hair DensityNumber of hairs on the head. | |
Hair DryType of hair. | |
Hair DryerHand held or hood dryer for setting. | |
Hair GreasyType of hair. | |
Hair NormalType of hair. | |
Hair PapillaFeeds hair with blood supply. | |
Hair SprayUsed to hold style in place and protects from weather. | |
Hair TextureFine, medium or thick. | |
Hair TypeDry, brittle, normal, greasy, wiry. | |
HygroscopicTakes in water, as in hair is Hygroscopic. | |
K |
KitA collection of the required tools. | |
L |
LightHair depth, how dark or light hair is. | |
Light HairHair depth. How dark or light the hair is. | |
M |
MedullaMiddle of the hair. | |
MirrorA shiny surface for reflecting an image. | |
MonilithrixBeaded hair shaft. | |
MousseFoaming product used to style hair. | |
P |
Perming RodsSmall rods used in the perming process. | |
Petrissage(deep, slow movement) kneading actions. | |
PorousLets in water / moisture. | |
PsoriasisSilvery raised skin, itchy. | |
R |
RedA colour. One of the three primary colours. | |
RollersA small round item. | |
RotaryCircular movement when shampooing. | |
Rubber CapA tool used in certain colouring techniques. | |
S |
ScissorsA cutting tool. Can be grouped with 'sharps'. | |
Sebaceous CystSwelling oil gland. | |
SettingA technique of putting and keeping hair in place. | |
ShampooA product to clean the hair or the act of using the product - to shampoo. | |
Shower SprayA tap attachment to spread the water. | |
SinkA bowl shaped fixture used for washing hands etc. | |
StraightenerA device for straightening the hair. | |
Strand Testchecking colour for development. | |
T |
Test CurlCheck for S shape development. | |
TongsA two pronged tool used to style the hair. | |
TowelA piece of absorbent cloth for drying or wiping. | |
Trichorrhexis NodosaA split along the hair shaft. | |
U |
UniformA code of dress identifying the staff in a salon. | |
W |
WaxUsed to define curls or style. | |
WhiteA colour. Very light. | |
Work StationA position where work is carried out. | |